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Websites Where You Can Upload Your Writing

7 Websites where you can Make Money as a Creative Writer

Creative writing is a super fun activeness to convert your unstoppable creativity and imagination and put it in use. Not merely is information technology a encephalon pleasing activity but also a rewarding job to earn coin through tasks that aren't boring for the bursting brains of passionate writers. Whether y'all're a creative writing degree holder or just a passionate author; you can use your skills to showtime earning money online through a range of websites that require services of writers like yous.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is any writing that involves the inventiveness of mind. Information technology's a wide term that covers dissimilar types of writing styles, all of them encompassing human emotions. Creative writing can exist for used for a number of purposes including entertainment, information and teaching. This blazon of writing puts human imagination to test. Here are the almost common forms:

  • Verse writing
  • Fiction writing
  • Story writing
  • Ad writing
  • Memories
  • Oral communication writing
  • Television and Film scripts
  • Personal essays

Earn Money as Creative Author: List of seven Websites

Here'due south a breakup of a few websites where yous tin work and get paid for creative writing:

  1. Poets&Writers

    Poets and writers is a literary magazine and a platform for writers to interact with each other and share their writing materials. The website has a database of numerous writing job opportunities on the spider web; ranging from writing and editing, to publishing. You tin can click on the link of your preferred job and you will be directed to the employer's site.


    Each job opportunity has unique payment process which tin be viewed on the employer's site. The pay ranges from employer to employer.

  2. Writing Bunny

    Writing bunny offers a broad range of writing jobs for creative writers and allows them to cull different topics based on their skill prepare. Once you create an business relationship on the website and pass their quality command test, Writing Bunny will deliver whatsoever available writing jobs that matches your skill set, to your email. You tin can set up your rates in your contour and then increase them in one case your stats meliorate. You lot tin can apply equally a writer, a translator and fifty-fifty a vocalisation actor at writing bunny.


    You can withdraw your funds using PayPal, Payoneer or Wire Transfers. However, you need a minimum of $15 for Payoneer and at least $l for Wire Transfers.

  3. WeLocalize

    WeLocalize requires services of writers who tin can translate a language and write content in that specific language. The company offers translation jobs in languages such as Dutch, German, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, Portuguese, Hebrew, Indonesian, Swedish, Turkish and Italian.

    Once you lot apply, you lot will have to complete a language test and and so you can commencement applying for jobs.


    The website pays its workers through a payment gateway called HyperWallet. Writers are paid on weekly basis. At that place is no minimum threshold for the payout.

  4. Sports Networker

    Sports Networker offers a writing internship for writers who are passionate about sports. They require writers who can research well and contribute to daily article production on the website. If you have experience in online publishing and are familiar with word printing, and so you can apply for this position. In improver, you are also required to have some SEO experience.


    You can only earn money at Sports Networker if you work as a Characteristic columnist. And there'southward no fixed pay for the part. Yous earn 20% committee based on the sales generated from your content. Here's the commission structure.

  5. Contentor

    Contentor is a text translation services company. It offers job opportunities for content writers and translators. You can submit your resume through their online application system. The team at Contentor will evaluate your application and let you know if you are suitable to be a part of their writers team.


    Contentor hasn't revealed whatsoever information about their payment rates and payment methods. However, judging from their online contour it has to exist a decent income.

  6. Relay Pub

    RelayPub is a book packaging and publishing visitor that works with freelance writers who work closely with the visitor to write books and stories that make their mode to the market. RelayPub gives its writers a topic to brainstorm on and create a devouring story using their imagination. Yous can submit your application on the website forth with a writing sample.


    They have a payment per discussion organisation. For each word you become from $0.03 to $0.06. Just imagine how much y'all can earn past writing a whole book.

  7. Inbox Washed

    InboxDone is an e-mail service provider for business concern managers, CEOs etc. The aim of this service is to manage emails for busy people who have too much on their plate managing their business and don't accept time for emails.

    The company hires inbox managers who work online managing emails of different company individuals and writing appropriate replies to different emails. The company hires inbox managers on a yearly rolling basis. If this kind of chore holds your interest you lot can apply on their website. Once yous get selected, you will undergo a training period of one month in which y'all will learn to handle emails and work effectively.


    They haven't shared any details about their payment method and rates. Still, you volition exist paid for the Grooming flow likewise. And once your training is complete, your payment rate will increase too.

As a writer yous have a wide range of job opportunities on the web and most of these jobs don't require you to be an acclaimed professional writer. You can use your passion and creativity for writing to earn money through a chore that you lot bask. If you enjoy writing, cheque these websites on how to make coin online through proof reading and 10 writing websites that pay upfront.


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