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Compare and Contrast the Art of Leadership and the Science of Leadership

leadership vs management Leadership is a quality of influencing people, then that the objectives are attained willingly and enthusiastically. It is not exactly same as management, as leadership is one of the major chemical element of direction. Management is a discipline of managing things in the best possible manner. It is the fine art or skill of getting the work done through and with others. Information technology can be found in all the fields, like education, hospitality, sports, offices etc.

Ane of the major difference betwixt leadership and management, is direction is for formal and organized group of people just, whereas leadership is for both formal and informal groups. To further embrace the two concepts, take a read of the given article.

Content: Leadership Vs Management

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Determination

Comparison Nautical chart

Basis for Comparison Leadership Management
Meaning Leadership is a skill of leading others by examples. Management is an art of systematically organizing and coordinating things in an efficient style.
Basis Trust Command
Accent on Inspiring People Managing activities
Power Influence Rule
Focus on Encouraging modify Bringing stability
Strategy Proactive Reactive
Conception of Principles and guidelines Policies and Procedures
Perspective Leadership requires good foresightedness. Direction has a short range perspective.

Definition of Leadership

The skill of leading a group of people and inspiring them towards a management is known as Leadership. It is an interpersonal process which involves influencing a person or a group, then as to ensure achievement of objectives, willingly and enthusiastically.

It is not a lesson to be taught, but a quality which is possessed past only a few number of people. The person who owns this quality is known as a leader. A leader is someone who has a large number of people following him, as their inspiration. Some examples of leaders, which are built-in in India are Mahatma Gandhi, Amitabh Bachchan, Kiran Bedi,  Sachin Tendulkar, Saina Nehwal, etc.

Leadership is an action of guiding and directing people to work together in achieving the objectives. It requires a adept vision of thinking across the boundaries.

In an enterprise, you lot can see a number of leaders who are responsible for the work of their team members. For the achievement of a single objective, the employees of the system are divided into teams and each team is assigned a chore which they have to complete within the specified fourth dimension. Each squad comprises of a leader who is appointed on the basis of merit cum seniority.

In the business surround, leadership is not only limited to persons, only an organisation tin can likewise attain leadership in the market past defeating its competitors. Leadership tin can be in terms of product, market place share, brand, price, etc.

Definition of Management

The word management is a combination of 4 terms, i.e. man+age+men+t (technique). In this mode, management refers to a technique used by a man for dealing and managing persons (men) of different age group, to piece of work together for achieving a mutual objective.

Although management is not confined to men only, it incorporates a complete remainder of 5M i.eastward. Men, Coin, Fabric, Automobile, and Methods. The person who is in charge of the activities of direction in an organisation is known as Director.

Management Process

Direction Process

Now, permit's talk over what management is? And from where it starts? The answer is management starts from your habitation. All of us take seen our mother taking intendance of our needs whether they are small or big, maintaining the budget of the household, takes decisions regarding investment or finance, makes plans for our futurity, keeps a check on our activity, organizes the schedule, guides and motivates united states for achieving our career objective etc. that's all management. These are the functions of Direction, i.e. Planning, Decision-making, Organizing, Leading & Motivating and Decision Making.

Key Differences Between Leadership and Management

The major deviation between leadership and management are equally under:

  1. Leadership is a virtue of leading people through encouraging them. Management is a process of managing the activities of the organisation.
  2. Leadership requires trust of followers on his leader. Different Management, which needs control of manager over its subordinates.
  3. Leadership is a skill of influencing others while Direction is the quality of the ruling.
  4. Leadership demands foresightedness of leader, but Management has a short range vision.
  5. In leadership, principles and guidelines are established, whereas, in the instance of management, policies and procedures are implemented.
  6. Leadership is Proactive. Conversely, direction is reactive in nature.
  7. Leadership brings modify. On the other hand, Management brings stability.


Leadership and Management are inseparable in nature, if there is management, there is leadership. In fact, the qualities of a managing director require leadership skills to inspire his subordinate. In an organisation, you tin can meet both management and leadership. At that place is a manager in a department and a number of leaders who work with their teams in profitable the organisation in the accomplishment of their goals. Many times managers play the function of a leader also, at the demand of the organisation. So they both go adjacent every bit a complement to each other. An system needs both for its growth and survival.

Management is all about the arrangement and maintenance of the 5M while leadership is about persuading people in a positive management for digging out talent in them.


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